Tuesday 19 May 2015

Elrie's Smashed butternut

Butternut Puree

Winter is finally here, and as you all know we need a little something effortless to keep us warm. Here is a simple little recipe I came up with while experimenting in my kitchen. It is quick and easy to prepare. it only takes 20 to 30 minutes All you will need is:

1 Whole Butternut (Large)
2 Tablespoons of butter
1 Teaspoon hot chocolate
Half teaspoon of nutmeg
Sugar for taste 
Half a cup of heavy cream or full cream milk

  • Peel and dice the butternut into small cubes. 
  • Place it into a saucepan and add water and sugar and bring to boil.
  • Keep checking if the butternut is soft enough to be mashed and turned into a puree. 
  • Mash it up and ensure that there are no lumps and that it is smooth. 
  • Then add the butter and stair until it has completely melted. cover for 2 minutes. 
  • Add the hot chocolate, the nutmeg and the milk or cream and stair till all the ingredients have mixed well together. Cover for 2 to 3 minutes till ready. 

You can add any garnish of choice.You can enjoy this dish with toast or any type of bread of your choice. Remember; your kitchen, your rules!

You can even double the ingredients and make enough to take with to work. All you will need is a microwave.